Friday, February 24, 2012

Tangier Island, VA: America's Sports Town

In 2010, Tangier Island got High Speed Internet and was able
to watch sports.  The state of Virginia named it the Biggest Sports
Town in America (per capita).  The title was the basis for a recent ESPN
Admittedly, there isn't a whole lot to do on this small island in the Chesapeake Bay.  

That is the best part about it.

The residents have watched decades of trends come and go.  Doing nothing more than put down the newspaper long enough to glance at the (non HD) TV news reporter talk about tweeting, friending and connecting.

This island is so old-school, that linguists are drawn to the island because of the native's accent - its an English Restorian dialect of American English.  It's similar to a dialect in North Carolina, but nowhere else in the country do people speak this language than on this .2 square mile island.

So why profile such a small, boring place?  Well, because they have an airport, friendly local restaurants, a museum and just an awesomely simple way of living that will let you forget about the hustle bustle of your daily grind.  

For instance, go to their official tourism website and instead of providing a list of rental car agencies, taxis and transportation options they provide the names of two locals that you can rent golf carts from -Tommy & Claudine Eskridge.  Once you arrive you skip on down to the Four Brother's Crab House (crabbing is the only industry on the island) and your golf cart will be waiting for you.  Where else can you find that simplicity and hospitality?

By the way, the reason there aren't more transportation options is because cars aren't allowed on the island - just bikes and golf carts and the shoe-sole express (walking).

Boats and airplanes are the only ways on and off the island.  So when you want to get away from it all and go back to the good ole' days head to Tangier Island, Virginia.

Helpful Links:
Tangier Island Museum
Wikipedia Page
Official Tourism Website

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